Fairfield School Supports Sister School in Houston
A heart-warming story about schools helping schools . . .
Sherman School in Fairfield has always supported the American Red Cross and other national organizations during disasters. This year, when Houston was hit by Hurricane Harvey, the entire school community felt its pain having lived through Super Storm Sandy five years earlier. Every home in the school’s neighborhood was affected by that storm which meant that all of our students were affected in one way or another. Students lost their homes, favorite toys, sports equipment…everything; the neighborhood was a disaster; our school playground was contaminated and unusable for the entire school year; garbage was everywhere; and, wrecked houses were on every block. However, during that time, the community came to our rescue! They brought in household items that were lost and cleaning supplies to help clean up. They provided money for clothes and toys, and, in general, made us all feel better. We knew we had to pay it forward.
Sherman School Principal Eileen Roxbee went on line to see if there was a Sherman School in Houston, and there was! As a result, we adopted it, sending them $2000.00, Target gift cards, and cards and letters of encouragement.
Our school now has a pen pal relationship with the students from Sherman School in Houston and look forward to sharing our news with them!
By Eileen Roxbee, Principal, and Leslie Davis, IIT/Gifted teacher