Executive Coaching

Why Coaching?
- After the quality of the teacher, the most important variable determining student achievement is the quality of the school leader.
- Research tells us that, school leaders who have the support of a coach within a focused program of assistance, stay in the job longer and perform better.
- You have already invested significantly in the success of your school leader. Providing a coach is “going the extra mile” to develop the capacity of the leader to improve student achievement. As we move into the state and federally required performance evaluation of principals, additional support and development for principals will be critical.
School leaders will have the opportunity to expand their range of skills to include the ability to:
- Self-reflect and self-regulate actions
- Develop conflict resolution skills
- Distribute leadership
- Respond proactively
- Increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency

- Build the instructional leadership skills of the administrator and the leadership team.
- Improve the quality of the teaching and learning process in the school.
- Develop the ability and willingness of the administrator to hold staff accountable for the behavior and learning of the students.
- Increase administrator’s ability to develop leadership capacity among faculty.
- Develop the skills of the school leader to create a school climate and culture that is supportive and collaborative.
- Serve as a sounding board and resource for the administrator across all aspects of the school.
Following the initial meeting among coach, school leader and central office personnel, the coach and school leader identify leadership needs as well as district and school goals.
2. School Leaders and Executive Coach Planning:
The coach and school leader discuss key focus areas, identify a problem of practice and mutually agree on objectives for improvement. They also discuss indicators of success, monitoring of objectives and assessing progress.
3. Work Plan Development:
The coach and school leader develop a plan and identify steps to achieve targeted objectives. They complete the work plan and share results. They monitor achievement of the objectives periodically, and revise as necessary.
Provide a coaching model that is differentiated to meet the specific needs of the district.
Provide professional development and resources to support the achievement of the personal/professional goals and school/district goals of the school leaders.

- Provide on-site coaching services
- Provide phone and email access between him/herself and school leader
- Review and analyze school improvement plan and school data with the school leader
- Engage school leader in dialogue that explicitly identifies goals and objectives that will impact student achievement
- Collaborate with the school leader to identify the areas of focus for coaching, the norms and expectations in the coaching relationships, and the indicators of success
- Complete a work plan with the school leader
- Maintain an on-going record of meetings and contacts with school leader
- Establish a calendar of weekly on-site meetings and contacts with the school leader
- Complete and submit status reports to CAS administrators.