Middle School Debate Going Strong!
By Jennifer Posner, CTMSDL
On Saturday, January 27, 2018, one hundred sixty-two middle school debaters from sixteen schools combined into fifty-nine teams to debate the motion: This House would eliminate executive pardons and commutations.
Proposition prevailed in 48% of the debates. The team of Halle Hunt, Ava Prevey, and Nathaniel Valdivieso from The Hive won the final round on Proposition. Ailish MacDonnell from South Orangetown was the first place speaker. Click here for complete tournament results.
Results will also be posted on ctmsdebate.org soon.
Thank you to coach John Rook and the Smith Middle School (Glastonbury) community for hosting. Many thanks to our coaches and judges – including more than a dozen high school debaters – who make these competitions possible. Additional thanks to the Greenwich Branch of the English Speaking Union and Director Robert Whitby for sponsoring the League.
The CTMSDL’s next tournament will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2018, at Eastern Middle School in Greenwich. We will release the motion by the end of February. That will give schools time to prepare for the Civics First CT Middle School Debate Tournament coming up in Deep River on Wednesday, April 25, 2018.
Visit the CTMSDL website for more information about the CT Middle School Debate League.
Please contact jenposner
org with questions and suggestions.