Stratford’s David Wooster Named Middle School of the Year
The Connecticut Association of Schools is excited to announce that the Middle Level Honors and Awards Committee has selected David Wooster Middle School of Stratford as the CAS Middle School of the Year for 2019-20. It became obvious throughout the nomination and selection process that Wooster is providing an exemplary middle school experience to all the students and families in the Wooster educational community.
The members of the awards committee were extremely impressed with the outstanding and thoughtful work accomplished by the Wooster staff. From the moment one enters the school there is a pervasive sense of welcome and positive climate. Individual and collective student work is proudly displayed throughout the building, celebrating a student’s best achievements and/or representing a team or grade level’s participation in a thematic project. Wooster’s staff provides enthusiastic attention to Wooster P.R.I.D.E., and when asked by the visiting committee for one word to describe how they felt about Wooster, parents, students and staff echoed the terms “caring,” “family” and “trust” over and over. Parents reported they appreciated the consistency and quality of communications they receive from teachers and administration. Because they are treated with such a high level of respect and inclusion, they truly feel they want to support the school even further.
Wooster has developed and maintains a wide array of programs that benefit the students on a daily basis. These include its Student Ambassador Program, Creative Learning After School Program, Peer Mediation Program, Safe School Climate Committee, and Wooster Citizenship Program. The integration of a health and counseling clinic is just another indicator that the Wooster community is creatively providing the level of care needed for some of our most vulnerable students and families. The CAS awards committee members also applauded Wooster’s development and continuing refinement of programs that target its students’ academic performance.
The Connecticut Association of Schools is pleased to recognize David Wooster Middle School as a model progressive middle school in our state and we proudly designate it as the CAS Middle Level School of the Year for 2019-20.
Congratulations to Principal Bryan Darcy, Assistant Principal James Singletary and the entire Wooster community!
By Dr. John Sieller, Assistant Executive Director