Important Reminder: Please Update Your Membership Directory Information – copy

Dear Member School Principal:

It has been our longstanding practice to rely on you – or your designee – to keep your school’s membership directory information up-to-date so that news and announcements are delivered to the appropriate school personnel. This allows you to take full advantage of the programs and services offered by CAS-CIAC.  Given that administrator and staff turnover happens throughout the year, we ask that you periodically review and, if necessary, update your membership information. 

The on-line membership database is accessed through the secure Members Only area of the CAS website. Simply click here and enter your School Number and Login ID. Once you have successfully logged in, click on the “Edit Membership Directory Data” link (first bullet). NOTE: If you need your login credentials, please contact Karen Packtor at kpacktoratcasciacdotorg.

Accessing our on-line membership database also provides you with an opportunity to review and sign off on the CAS membership agreement for the 2019-2020 year. Acceptance of this agreement is a requirement of CAS membership.

If you visit the on-line membership directory database and find that the information we have on file for you is completely accurate and up-to-date, we still ask that you check the box indicating that you agree to abide by the rules of membership and then click on the “Submit Information” button.

Our sincere thanks for your cooperation.

– The CAS-CIAC Central Office Staff