Mental Health & Wellness

Mental Health & Wellness

Jostens Renaissance Harbor™ Library

REL: How can educators and families support students’ mental health and social emotional needs?

NASP: Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19

SAMHSA: Infectious Disease Outbreaks – Coping with Stress

HBR: That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

The HUB CT: Coping with Corona – Mental health supports in a pandemic

“Talking about mental health isn’t always easy”

“Suicide is preventable. Be the one to start the Conversation”

Edutopia: Focusing on Student Well-Being in Times of Crisis

CSDE: Social and Emotional Support for Children during COVID-19

A Conversation with Yale’s Dr. Marc Brackett – Managing Emotions at a Time of Unpredictability

CASEL: Leveraging SEL as You Prepare to Reopen and Renew

Reach Out Connecticut Support Line