Consulting Services Offered by CAS

In his extensive coaching of principals, Pat has integrated Eastern Philosophy with Western Psychology, the Mid-east, Europe and the United States using tools that he has learned from all over the world.
What do you do when you’re not sure what to do?
It’s no secret that leading schools this past year has been very demanding and that it seems to become more demanding by the day. SEED and other teacher evaluation models, Common Core, and Smarter Balanced Assessments are just a few of the recent additions to an already challenging set of everyday responsibilities that principals are required to meet.
How do you cope with these ever increasing challenges? What do you do when you’re not sure what to do? Where do you turn when you need someone to listen objectively and in confidence, someone who will be able to ask the right question to help you draw your own conclusions about what to do next?
The Connecticut Association of Schools is offering the opportunity for you to talk through the challenges you routinely face in confidence with a leadership consultant.
An email or a phone call in response to this invitation will allow you to schedule from one to three meetings where you can talk openly and honestly about yourself and your work with a neutral, objective, and supportive listener, who is a proactive sounding board. All conversations will be held in strict confidence.
You are the focus. Our consultant will provide you with . . .
• time to reflect on your work as a leader;
• frameworks to help guide your work with others;
• understanding stages of leadership development; and,
• strength and awareness to guide you through stressful situations.
Please email or call Pat Howley (phowleycasciac
org 203-250-1111) if you would like any questions answered or to schedule a time to get started.
Pat Howley has been coaching leaders for over thirty years, in both education and businesses. He has worked with school systems throughout the United States, as well as in China and Ireland. He has been trained in and uses a variety of tools and strategies from both western and eastern traditions. His approach will be integrated and tailored to facilitate the growth and awareness of the individual leader. Click here to view Pat’s full bio.