Marie Glowski Joins Central Office Staff

CAS is thrilled to introduce the newest member of its central office team!
Marie Salazar Glowski has just joined the central office staff as assistant executive director and co-director of the executive coaching program.
Marie graduated from Latin American Institute and became a foreign export correspondent for a medical company in Manhattan. After moving to CT, she earned an associate degree in mental health, a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s in special education, a 6th-year in educational leadership and a superintendent certificate. She also has TESOL Adult Education Certification. As a special education teacher, she has taught at all levels.
Marie served the New London Public Schools in a variety of roles – first as principal of their facility for the multi-handicapped; then as principal of the early childhood facility; and, ultimately, as director of special services. After eleven years in New London, she was appointed Assistant Superintendent of Special Services in the Hartford Public Schools.
Marie has served as adjunct faculty at Middlesex Community College and Southern Connecticut State University. She is a member of the Regional Education Lab and Northeast Islands, Education Development Center Governing Board, the Alternative Route to Certification for English Language Learners (ARCTELL) Executive Board and the ConnTESOL Executive Board.
For the past eleven years, Marie has worked at the CT State Department of Education as English as a Second Language – Bilingual Program Education Consultant. As a member of the Council of Chief State School Officers and through her communication with the United States Department of Education and her colleagues around the country, she has brought up-to-date guidance to the state and districts in CT.
As Marie joins CAS as co-director of executive coaching, she is eager to use her experience in supervision and evaluation and her passion for supporting all students with a particular focus on special education students and English Learners. She is eager to work with coaches and principals bringing her background and specialized lens to their trainings.
In addition, she will be exploring the establishment of a pilot Director Executive Coaching Program created to support directors of special education and directors of English as a second language – bilingual programs. As a member of the CT Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (CALAS) organization which CAS has recently committed to supporting, she will seek to increase its membership and actively participate in its initiatives.