Awards & Recognition

Assistant Principal of the Year
The Assistant Principal of the Year Program, sponsored annually by the Connecticut Association of Schools and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, was established in 1990 to bring recognition to the assistant principalship and to spotlight the critical role that assistant principals play in the education of our youth. The program recognizes outstanding school assistant principals who have succeeded in providing high quality learning opportunities for students. These administrators have demonstrated excellent leadership commitment to staff and students, service to their communities, and contributions to the overall profession of educational leadership.

CAS Citation
Citations, CAS’ highest honor, are awarded to practicing or recently retired school administrators who have made extraordinary and long-term contributions to CAS-CIAC. Recipients must have been actively involved in the association for a minimum of eight years.

CAS Letter of Commendation
Letters of Commendation are awarded to practicing or recently retired school administrators who have served the association over an extended period of time or have made extraordinary contributions within a limited period.

Distinguished Friend of Education
The Distinguished Friend of Education Awards, established in 1983, honor a person and an organization or corporation for outstanding service to education in Connecticut.

Middle Level Arthur Director Leadership Award
The Arthur Director Leadership Award Program is open to all schools participating in the Middle School Leadership Training Conference. This award, named for the founder of Connecticut Lighting Centers, is presented to the school that shows superior application of the concepts learned at the leadership conference.

Outstanding Leadership Award
Understanding that there are many creative and innovative leaders serving in a variety of administrative roles, CAS established the “Outstanding Leadership Award” to honor individuals in 092 positions who are not acting as principals or assistant principals. This award, which is ongoing throughout the year and may be given to more than one recipient, provides districts with an opportunity to recognize outstanding leadership among curriculum specialists, chairpersons, directors or other such positions.

Principal of the Year - Elementary School
The Elementary Principal of the Year Award, also known as the National Distinguished Principal Award, recognizes the importance of acknowledging and rewarding the dedication and enthusiasm of principals who guide children’s earliest educational experiences.

Principal of the Year - Middle and High School
The Principal of the Year Program, sponsored annually by the Connecticut Association of Schools and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, is designed to spotlight the achievements of individual school leaders and at the same time increase public awareness of the critical role that principals play in the education of our youth. The program honors middle and high school principals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership, a passion for educational excellence, a commitment to their students and staff, and service to their communities.

Recognition for Creativity and Innovation
CAS spotlights programs that demonstrate creativity and innovation through the application of 21st century skills.

Recognition for School Climate Practices
The Connecticut Association of Schools invites schools to apply for recognition for positive school climate practices. Educators have long recognized the importance of positive climate in achieving success for all students. While described in many different ways, climate is in fact embedded in almost all aspects of school life in schools that succeed. Schools seeking recognition will be asked to complete a self-assessment.

School of the Year
The School of the Year Award gives public recognition to an outstanding CAS member middle and elementary school that deserve recognition for exemplary programs and practices that successfully meet the needs of 21st century learners.

William Cieslukowski First Year Principal
To honor William Cieslukowski, a dedicated school principal and former president of the Elementary & Middle School Principals of Connecticut, this award recognizes a first year elementary, middle and high school principal who have had a positive impact on their school or school district. The recipients must demonstrate exemplary instructional and organizational leadership, a willingness to take risks, and the ability to overcome adversity.

Nominations may be made by superintendents, teachers, or colleague principals.


Elementary Arts Festival
The Connecticut Association of Schools, through its Elementary Arts Recognition Festival, honors annually two outstanding students, in the highest grade level of each of the elementary schools of our state.

Connecticut Scholars Awards Luncheon
The purpose of the program is to recognize academically talented high school students in schools throughout the state. All principals of CAS member high schools are given the opportunity to nominate one junior who ranks in the top five percent of his/her class.

High School Arts Banquet
The Connecticut High School Fine Arts Awards annually honors two outstanding seniors from each of the member schools in the state who excel in the performing or visual arts. They must possess the qualities of scholarship and leadership. Excelling in the performing or visual arts is of primary importance in the selection. Scholarship and Leadership are also supporting criteria.

Michaels Cup Unified Sports® Banquet
The Michaels Cup Unified Sports® Banquet honors middle and high school students for the moving essays they submit detailing how their experiences with Unified Sports® helped them to change attitudes and change lives.

Scholar-Athlete Awards Banquet
The Scholar-Athlete Program annually recognizes two high school seniors from each member school whose academic and athletic careers have been exemplary, whose personal standards and achievements are a model to others, and who possess high levels of integrity, self-discipline and courage.

Scholar-Leader Awards Banquet
The Connecticut Association of Schools established the Scholar-Leader Banquet in 1985 to give public recognition to two students from each middle level school in Connecticut who have distinguished themselves in scholarship and leadership in school and the community. The two Scholar-Leaders, their parents and school officials, up to a total of ten, are invited to attend a statewide awards banquet. Each Scholar-Leader receives an award signifying the honor, as well as, an individual photograph commemorating the event. The Commissioner of Education and other dignitaries are included in the evening’s program.
CAS-CIAC Endowment and Flanagan Grants
CAS-CIAC is proud to announce the establishment of the CAS-CIAC Endowment and Flanagan Grant Program. Through the generosity of the sponsors, the CAS-CIAC Endowment and Flanagan Grant Program is able to annually provide grants to new or existing projects that meet the endowment’s and fund’s requirements and would not otherwise be afforded by CAS member schools.

J. Robert Ford Athletic Grant Program
The J. Robert Ford Athletic Grant Program is designed to support schools demonstrating significant need in their efforts to provide basic athletic programs and services for their students.